Thursday, April 19, 2012
nifTy .;',;niiiiiiii--ii---iFTy!!!!!!!!!
for in A!! special!!! way most of US!!!! NEED!! to clutCH !! on to a few truE! GOODIES!!! FOR!! pretend time! .'';geeeeeeeee----------eee--eze!!!!
FOR THA,T.;';S WHAT !!! ALL!! CART00Ns oF THAT GOLDEN AGE!!!! Gave to All zaa-----AA----aaanieness!!!
moSt most waaa----aaa--aY ouT!!!!!!!!!!!
moSt suPEr SUUUU--UU---UPER!!!!!! ZANY Zaaa---ann--ny!! for! to continUe to carrY THE!! laurel and haRdy flame henCe!!! the l&h comiC booKs liNe were creATed goLLLys!!!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
faIr FAIRRRRRR--RR--R!!!!!!!! AND QUainT!
they may BE!!!_!_ Sweet sweet.';, liTTle bloSSoms BUT!!!!! Seeing toTHE! Tail--eNd of auGust evEn IV.''E Have a tasTe for AutUMn --tiMe!!!!!
loT,;.;S AND LOT.;'S OF HOOO---OO--O-RAHS !! aNd cheerS!!!!!!!
in MucH A way moo--o-oo-o--St wiTTy aNd corny!!!!!!!!
and THAT.',;'S EXCATELY What those goldEn aGe carToonS Gave to aLL LOT.;';S OF THE CO RNNN--NN--NY!!!!!!!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
marvELous Maaaaaaaaa--a--ARveloUs!!!!!!!!
appLAuse!!!!!!! .;; Cause thaT.'; s whAt carToon.'s oF THAT GOLDEN aGe derServe a greAt cheeRs !!!!!! goLLys.;..
hoo--o-ooRah .'';.'hooRAh!!!!!!!!!'''
SALuuuuU-U-tes and SURPRISINGLY A hooRah becaUSe thaT.';.s whAt thOse goldEn age CARTOONs gaVe to ALL coo-o-oRn!!!!!
So----sooo--o--o marVElousssss--s-lY SPooFed !!!!!!!!!!
chEErs and maNy maa---aa-a-nY HOOO--O-RahS.;'..;;
coRNey cOrneY AND ZaneY
A Most WHOLESOME AND fine samPLe of what a goLden age comic strIp PRovideD Fiii--i-ine whImseY.';;;.
gee gOShens!!!!!!!!
resPectfuLLy bre..r RABBIT AND CountinG THE reSt of that .'.;souTHland gaNg were DurinG THAT magIc and .'';SilvEr era gave aLL FOLKS LotS OF real looNIness.''.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
gOOdness soo---oo-o villianous and scoUndreLy!!!!!!!
d ePIctuREd herE SnooKIe mcFOul thereFore a note kEEPInG WithiN The tomfooLEry oF GRIMY gulCh town folKs shouLd remember thAt he,'','' s ;'.'';the yee------eeeech!!!!! liTTle crEEpy kiD brothEr to snaKe eye yee---eech hiss--s ss
gOoo----o-osh!!!! kemo kEe-e-emo---------sabbe!!!
here depictUred and many manY Folks should agrEe one of the TUmbleweedS ,;,Cast the pooHawks ,;triBal ;' chiEf suRely like thE rest oF THE ;;;''SO SCreW Ball !!!!! passLe oF FolkS Of grImy guLch is a nut!!!!! ;'''ho---hO
claSSical for Joan mirO.;;;,,'s feLt spirit
in honoRe of joAn miRo.;;'. S carrIEd on flame here depictUred one oF His Realy!!! aweSome!!!!!!! pop canVases
,;;;;,,;SandY CaldEr goLLys a aCe genIUs!!!!
fOr in HonoRe of Alex caldEr.;'s kepT Flame many maNy folKs shouLd remember his Pop art wiTh hangiNg mobILes .;'';greAt cheeRs!!!!!!!!
amEn.;.;amEn ,,,; bLess all
quiCKest hisTOry of the papACy thiS ponTiff presUMed to be benedICt the x 1x had a reIghn at a Time before the inquisTIOn ,;..;
blOOmin.'';.;greAt cricKeys
Geee---ee byyyy-----yyyy Jove!!!! edward The 6th henry.';s son and heir so in shOrt QuicK briT histOry and an extRa on the tudOr branch of royaLs .';;.by jOve!!!!!! and gee blOOmin.'';.;greAt cricKeys
Thursday, April 5, 2012
witty and zany
Nii-iiicely spoofed and the most Marvelousss-ss bit is that.';s what those tease---break in mini 45.;s provided for folks jokery and hilarity alittle hoorah
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Joshy and I with full stare with our peepers at this discuss it we discover that before it's magic inventiveness the maker of this panel Tom K Ryan began his clever career to conceive helmets for football and Joshy and I discuss this starting craft led Ryan to make a splash pick on joke he was smart to give it hip hip to make a joke out of the west war by making this strip thus he dubbed it tumbleweeds still in most peepers we discuss that this sample of a panel to amuse the score of folks at this silly current time heck a little nifty.
So So Amusing
Josh and I looking at this to have one snicker until they have a snicker conniption we recognize that this was given a short shrift. And Josh and I strike up a discovery that dismissed comic from the silver boom age had a place titled Our Boarding House so zany in a way the center character was called major amos hoople and Joshy and I talk most amusing what real cartoons like that are out of oblivion we want to cry we talk of the center character major amos hoople we describe him he was a flim flam he thought he was a big wig except under the domineering loom over his kind of with all the features typically comic book spouse martha hoople and we discuss this was set in the backdrop of a kind of comical boarding house. So so zany. Little Cheers
Calvin Coolidge To Rate Him Respectively Little Cheers
This yester silver age snap shot of Calvin Coolidge 30th chief executive in that silver age Joshy and I talk of him we share and discover his starting roots for his career. Helped in his fathers store in Plymoth Notch. And Joshy and I discover in Coolidges career before his chief executivecy before his career post further were assemblymen then lieutenant governor then governor but in his final days Joshy and I share a note he was overcome with some gloom gloom post note Joshy and I share he watched the gloom of the depression loom and eventually a coronary claimed him otherwise a fair chief executive cheers.
Vintage Sitcom Silliness
Joshy and I look at this little panel and we reffering to Joshy and I this was tv boom age days the many seasons popularly entertaining the Andy Griffith Show ran post note the many seasons for the populace who by such sitcoms got entertained. Heck Gee a bit of cheers.
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